The Great West Coast Tour - Day Nineteen - Good Bye San Diego, Hello Family!

The Great West Coast Tour - Day Nineteen - Good Bye San Diego, Hello Family!

We wrapped up our morning with Lucas, Laura, and Bryan with some World Cup Soccer watching, breakfast, and some group pictures.

We had a fantastic time in this beautiful oasis they have created in their home.

And Yessa was excited that two teslas live right down the street from them, and we got to wave good bye to them on our way out.

We were headed to Fort Mohave, AZ, where my brother and SIL have lived for nearly two years now. That meant another drive across the dessert.

With our greater experience now, we paid nearly $5/gallon to top off the tank before we headed across the dry wasteland. It was worth it mentally.

The 76 degrees of San Diego rapidly disappeared.

We got to Steve and Faye’s house, settled in, grabbed some pizzas for dessert, then headed to the pool in their complex to cool off and relax.

Met a sweet pupper on the way.

Sharing recipes.

It’s hot, but so wonderful to be with family again.