The Great West Coast Tour - Days Fourteen and Fifteen- Still Solvang

The Great West Coast Tour - Days Fourteen and Fifteen- Still Solvang

Wandering around and exploring this little town was a delight for all of us. Buds and I headed out and had coffee in the early morning, like we do in Europe. The kids loved being able to make their own food in the little kitchen, like we do at home. Buds worked and worked, like at home, but close to us, which we love.

We got in a workout in the little workout room right by our “apartment.”

Sweat angels and laying on the floor. Looks like we’re at home.

Nathan had told us about an old-fashioned candy shop, and I discovered it on my wandering the day before and was excited to show it to the children.

Some waxy fun candies we’d not tried before:

And we got in some VR:

The ten tents allowed all of our crew to play at the same time, but we could still hear everyone singing, shouting, laughing, just like at home.

We drove on what looked like a dark and stormy afternoon to a place called “Surf Beach” at Vandenberg Air Force Base in Lompoc, CA. Two things we hadn’t expected:

1) A train station right at the beach:

2) That the beach would close at 6 p.m. The soldiers who were closing the gate at the beach were kind enough to take a family photo for us.

Well, a private was ordered by a sergeant to take our photo. He did a nice job.

It was cold and looked so overcast. I kept expecting heavy rain or hail at any moment.

We learned from friends later this is the marine layer, which makes it looks so stormy.

Once we were back to sunny Solvang, we tried out a Beer Garden for dinner to remind us of happy times in Germany and Austria.

Two grapefruit raddlers right there, folks.

July 4th, up next.