Simple Joys

Simple Joys

Dear God, the world has some horrible moments. I don’t need to tell you what they are; you know. And some of you are dealing with overwhelmingly difficult things right now. I’m thinking of you. And praying for you.

And when it gets overwhelming, I have to stop and consider the things I’m grateful for.

So, incredibly grateful, every single second of every single day.

That Buster still wants us to watch when he’s about to defeat a big boss.
All these people.
That friends still play board games and laugh together.
That I can listen to my show when I’m painting the fireplace.
And when a cat walks through my tray of paint, someone else has to give it a bath.
And dogs.

And cats:

That we took this trip.
And this guy, always and forever.

I hope you have much to be thankful for today, too.

If you are reading this, I’m thankful for you. I guarantee it.