The Great West Coast Tour - Day Seven

The Great West Coast Tour - Day Seven

The rest of the families headed to Zion on Tuesday morning, but Buds was still on-call for work, so they kindly took Yessa with them, while the rest of us messed around until Buds was no longer needed near a computer.

Here’s Yessa on the shuttle bus at Zion:

And some shots of her day at Zion:

Once Buds was off-duty, the rest of our crew and Buddie’s dad headed to Snow Canyon State Park, which was a short, gorgeous drive from the rental house.

We laughed many times over the week because several of us had read that “if Zion weren’t so close, Snow Canyon would have been designated a National Park.”

We enjoyed Snow Canyon and Buds and I had several trips here over the week, but after seeing Zion later in the week, we all agreed that Snow Canyon needed to go home because it was drunk.

It’s a fantastic state park.

But for a first outing to try out hiking in the area with 4 of our family of 5, it was perfect.

We started with Jenny’s Canyon, which was a sandy path leading to a tiny slot canyon. Great fun and cool, literally and figuratively.

After enjoying time with Jenny, we headed to another trail where we could hike around on petrified sand dunes.

We were big fans of this hiking. Little steps all over, solid footing, interesting formations, a cooling breeze and easy to reach peaks. It was great.

And you could see the process of time wearing down the dunes from great masses to small balls to tiny grains of sand.

An ice cream stop seemed appropriate post-hike, and since Buds and I had discovered an awesome custard place on a solo outing the day before, we knew right where to go.

That night brought a shared meal and pool play time with the crowd.

Buddie’s face looks fussy here, but not actually the case. It had been a wonderful day.

I love to see our nieces and nephews grab onto Uncle Buds and shriek in laughter as he tosses and wrestles them around.

Day Eight will bring a visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, home to nearly 1600 animals.

Great things ahead.