The Great West Coast Tour Begins

The Great West Coast Tour Begins

We’ve been planning this for months and the trip is finally underway.

And for the first time ever in our history as a family… we left home early! The goal was 9:30. We were out the door at 8:50.

Both girls had been dog-sitting for different people, I was on the team that was finalizing the contract for the new Minister at church, Buds had co-workers in town last week, Buster and Monkey had time with a good friend, and we unexpectedly took possession of the new van. Much juggling was happening so it was a relief to finally pack the bags, straighten the house, and head out.

Hoping to set the tone for the whole trip, we decide to stop for a side tour so Monkey and I could tour the National Quilt Museum.

We were blown away by the beauty and artistry of these quilts.

April, you’ve got to get here sometime.

Monkey and I both mentioned how much both Grandmas would enjoy touring the museum as well.

The white woman who checked us in suggested the highlights for us to focus on for our quick visit. Her insights were perfect.

We started with the Tolkien quilt.

The details were… I’m out of words. You have to see it in person.


The one Ring

The trilogy in a quilt.

The museum had a traveling exhibit from China called “Love Stories.” The museum in Paducah was the only place in our hemisphere to host this exhibit, so quite a coup, the front desk woman told me.

There was a quilt made of wood, which was crazy gorgeous and a bit unbelievable.

They had a wooden quilt block for you to feel because in this instance, touching was believing.

We could have spent hours reading, looking, and wishing for a magnifying glass to examine these art works more closely.

The Tiger Quilt

You could try to count the tigers.

After Paducah we had a stop for Imo’s pizza just past St. Louis.

A wave to Wentzville since we’ll be staying with Nathan and family in California and that’s where he grew up.

And finally our stop for the first two nights of the trip, The Dear Chan Clan.

Yessa hasn’t quite caught Hero.

And Monkey… well… yeah. 🥰

A great beginning to our trip.