Make New Friends...

We had some potential new friends over for dinner on Sunday night. Potential because, here in the South, if I don’t meet you at church, I don’t know if we’ll even be able to be friends.

I was grateful that relatively early in the evening, the Dad of the potential new friends talked about trying out #44, a beer in honor of President Obama. With a sigh of relief, we were able to discuss politics to be sure we all had similar beliefs on that front.

We didn’t talk about religion, so these are still potential friends until we clear the air on a few critical issues. If you don’t believe that adults have the right to marry the person they love, regardless of gender, for example, our friendship isn’t built to last.

The evening was delightful for several reasons. The kids had great fun playing VR together and learning about each other. The Mom and I found it very easy to discuss a wide range of topics, and, best of all, Buds got to show his beloved World of Warships game to someone who had been in the Navy!!

(That’s really the reason for this post; to remember in years to come that Buddie got to boss around a Navy veteran while he drove a boat. And yes, I picked that description to make Buds crazy. I know it’s not “driving a boat.”)


It’s always fun to learn the life stories of new people.