But Keep The Old...

But Keep The Old...

A college roommate and part of her tribe were in town for spring break and we got to visit today.

Jana Lu and I were Resident Advisors in Centennial Hall, often on duty together.

Then we were roommates in an apartment off-campus. (1310-B for Babe.)

Off to a dance with our dates:

At Brinz’s baby shower:

That day above would have been the first time many of my college tribe met Buds.

She and hubby Jeff were married two weeks before us in 1995, and they made it back from their honeymoon in time to come to our wedding.

She’s on Buddie’s right in the picture:

We completed a triathlon together somewhere in there before all our children were born.

We’ve stayed in touch, but realized today we probably hadn’t seen each other in twelve years.

Conversation picked up right where it left off.

It made my heart sing to spend time with her and to see her children (with a daughter’s delightful boyfriend thrown in for good measure.)

They scootered around while we caught up:

Over 25 years of friendship wears well, Lu.

Till next time…