Thanksgiving #4 2018

Thanksgiving #4 2018

Editor’s note: Post contains video. May be best viewed at the website.

First we had Friendsgiving in Virginia.

Then we had Thanksgiving at our church.

Then we had Leftovers Thanksgiving with cousins.

And finally we had Fourth Thanksgiving with other family.

Having one of our nieces living near us has been a joy and blessing from the very beginning. She and I are able to get together for a visit several times a month. When she told me of the hoped for plans for Thanksgiving this year, I wasn’t sure she could pull it off, but of course she did.

Thanks to a massive remodel she served as general contractor for, their house is an ideal home for entertaining, and entertained we were.

As I’m thinking about last night, I’m realizing it’s possibly similar to the feeling Buds and I may have about hypothetical grandchildren one day. The joy we felt in playing and laughing with our nieces and nephew last night, and their spouses, and our great-nephews. That continuity of generations brings my heart joy of a new type.

These nieces and nephew were at just the right age for coming for visits in the summer when I was in college and for staying with Buds and me after we were married. Some pictures of those visits now decades ago:

Grandpa was a good sport.
My wonderful college roommate agreed to help make space for all five of the young nieces and nephews to stay in our dorm room with us.

Big glasses and braces. We’ve all changed a lot.
New dance moves.
On the porch at my first college dorm.
George had a moustache.
Dancing with Barton at our wedding.
Visiting in our St. Louis apartment.
My attempt at crafty sweatshirts for everyone.
Buddie’s first visit to my house.
Perms were a thing.
Summer visits
They were there when I graduated from undergrad and from grad school.
They were all in our wedding.
Soon-to-be Uncle Chris snuggles.
All five on my dorm loft.

And then last night. Next generation celebrating and ample reminders about how much cameras have improved.

On our way to the party.

Jeremy spatchcocked the turkey. Good decision.
The turkey is cute, but even more I love seeing that same cowlick his dad had as a child.
See the resemblence to his dad?
Gobble, gobble
The chef and the mashed potato cooker
Enjoying the beautiful weather and the gorgeous swing on the deck.

Mom discovered the game “Watch Ya’ Mouth” with some of my cousins, and she sent it to our crew. We’ve had many hours of laughter, and took it along to play with the family last night.

Niece Alisha had an advantage as a dental hygienist, so she took it easy on the rest of us.

He’s not sure what to think.

Cruz loved being the one giving the clues, drool and all.

Fire and laughter…great combo.

And shots of the rest of the night, not including the haircut.

J used Vermont Maple syrup on the ham.
Ironically, he and Buster ended up with similar haircuts.
J keeps his knives sharp.

The dining room tablecloth art project needed a little help to dry before dinner.

The joy of feeding this kiddo.

Uncle Chris still has his gentle wrestle moves for the next generation.

I love that my brother uses his ipad as his camera.

And a little Pam disinfecting to end the evening.

Since we forgot to take a whole group shot, I’ll close out with a compilation video with lots of laughter.