Home Away From Home Camp 2018

Home Away From Home Camp 2018

In what will hopefully be a tradition for many years to come, K & B spent nearly two weeks with us again this summer.

A fantastic time was had by all, and we tried something new with “The Trips” this year. They had a budgeted amount of money for activities for “camp,” and they chose how to spend it. It worked out great and made all of us feel like we had options and balance.

They loved having the basement apartment as their space, although they still slept upstairs, which I liked, too. They took good care of the basement, despite piles and piles of slime being made.

A fantastic time was had, and we all look forward to next summer.

Photos posted in reverse order.

Our final night together at the hotel.
Even guests for dinner got in on the cooking!
At the movies.

We nearly escaped!
More cooking!

Roller derby was great fun!
A roller derby outing!

These three…

More pets
Lots of swimming
Açai bowls
Mugs of fun.
Everybody cooks.
Yes, the cats got spoiled.
Fireworks on the 4th.
Kitty love.
Moving into their first apartment.
Headed home with the extra family members.