Days 2 and 1 Under Their Belts

Days 2 and 1 Under Their Belts

Thanks to so many of you who have checked in to see how we are doing with this new approach to learning. Your loving support is very appreciated!

And the bigs are home from their day. Buster felt well enough to go today which was perfectly timed because Thursdays are school meeting day.

Lunches packed.

Up the stairs together for the first time.

Yessa helped haul all their supplies in.

They were both a little nervous this morning, but we didn’t hear from them all day, so assumed all was well.

Then around 2 p.m. I heard from Monkey.

“School meeting took three hours. I’m just now eating lunch.”

We had a wonderful visit on the way home, and I love hearing their insights on how things are progressing. They both had a good day, and though school meeting was long, they were the only two students who participated the whole time. Most of the school came back for the final discussion about choosing a quiet room, but other kids drifted in and out.

On the drive Monkey told Buster she thinks both of them should always plan to attend school meeting, Buster in part to ensure the male perspective is represented.

“Why do you want to go, Monkey?” Buster asked her.

“It’s a democratic school, which is a huge reason I wanted to go there. Why would I give up my right to participate in that democratic process by not going to school meeting?”


In a hilarious attempt to show how hip he’s becoming, Buster spouted out with, “Mom, why aren’t you chilling up in my fortnite?”

That got us all laughing.

Oh, the stories to come…

I miss them. Oh, how I miss them, but I love what they are learning and what they are sharing of themselves with the world.