Hotter Than A Viennese Ball

Hotter Than A Viennese Ball

Thursday was forecast to be our hottest day of the trip so far: 96°.

In some ways not having air conditioning where we’re staying helps because you might as well get out, but leaving that rotating fan is not an easy decision.

Buds and his parents and I went to the grocery store in the morning, then they wisely headed out for Schöenbrunn Palace before the worst heat of the day.

We decided to wait until the heat was near its peak before we headed out. We’ve been having relaxed mornings and it’s hard to break that trend.

We have discovered a fun park hidden by one of our options for getting on the metro so everyone indulged in a micro-workout.

When just existing makes you sweat, why not add a few more drops.


The trip to the palace was fun because we took both the metro and a tram. The modern trams are air conditioned, so it was a pleasure to ride.

This is on the un-airconditioned metro:

Our plan at Schöenbrunn was to wander the grounds. Chris’s dad and I joked later that we mostly spent time there wandering from patch of shade to patch of shade.

Yessa, Mom, Buds, and I did walk through the palace gardens for awhile. They are glorious.

We learned later that Chris’s parents made it to The Gloriette, which is the beautiful white arched building in the far background.

We meandered closer to the palace.

We scooped up Monkey and Buster where we had parked them in the shade and headed back to the apartment.

Buds and I did detour up closer to the palace steps to promise ourselves we would return and actually go inside.

That’s Schöenbrunn in the back. I’m sure you can tell by the distinctive yellow.

Gelato seemed like an appropriate ending to this outing.

The place where we stopped had good gelato but also had the very European policy of “If you sits, you pay more.”

So we walked. 😉

From here we oozed back to the apartment to chat with Buddie’s parents about their successful outing.

We had made plans to have a meal out with them, so after having drinks and resting a bit, Buds led us off to a Lebanese restaurant down the road from our apartment, past our grocery store, EuroSpar, into a wonderful neighborhood we had never walked through before.

Buds and I talked later about how much we both liked it. It very much felt like a comfortable place to live and wander.

Our late lunch was delicious and our waiter a delight.

We liked our Turkish coffee. Yet the quest for our favorite coffee of the trip continues.

Still, our day was not complete. Buds, his parents, and I had one more adventure ahead for the day: a walking tour of Vienna.

That deserves a post of its own.