Father's Day 2018

Father's Day 2018

Buds had a work trip to the Atlanta office right before Father’s Day, so the crew and I had time to implement a big surprise as a gift for him.

As our gift to Buddie and his health, we got the garage sorted, shuffled, emptied, tidied, and organized.

Thanks to the months and months of basement work, the garage had become a catch-all space for anything and everything that needed cleared out to allow work to proceed. This meant each time we wanted to do a workout, a great reshuffling of all sorts of random items had to happen as a “warm-up” before the workout could begin.

This is the workout side of the garage.
Hmmm, that’s a lot of stuff.
This was where we used to park a car.
Shelves of stuff.
Some of our workout supplies.

The children gave hours of their time on the muggy Friday to help me carry everything out of the garage because that’s how I do. When it’s time to organize, you’ve got to strip it to the bone.


I knew I wanted one side to be devoted to our CrossFit supplies. Monkey helped me reorganize tools and non-workout material to help the vision become clearer.

This sweet blue butterfly fluttered around us all day. I’m sure she wanted to help.

All ready for a workout.

I texted Buds a teaser of the surprise to come.

A very big card for Dad.

Bonus dog, Bo, spent the day to keep us perky while we cleaned the garage.

Thanks to the wonders of technology we tracked Buds as he got close to home so we were waiting for him on the driveway.

Everyone missed him.

We had a wonderful Saturday with a workout with our super clean garage. (Even Uncle Z was impressed.)

Buds gave himself a fantastic Father’s Day present by setting a new PR (personal record) for his back squat. Uncle Z was brilliant enough to take video.

Then on Sunday, an all-out celebration of Father’s Day when Buds and our good friend, Mike, spoke at church.

And then one final weekend workout to cap things off:

Awesome dads.

A wonderful weekend. So grateful to be on this journey with the best Buddie ever.