

As is true of most families, we have our own brand of humor. Buds and I have long been grateful that the children find the same things funny that we do, and that we find them hilarious as well.

Besides the jokes we share when we are together, we use a technological tool called “Slack” to keep track of ongoing conversations. We have a slack channel for groceries, for example, where everyone types in any items that they notice need to be purchased. We have a “family meeting” channel to keep track of topics we want to discuss as a group. If we have something funny or interesting to share, our slack “Shoebox” channel is often where that exchange happens.

This recent conversation below is from our Shoebox channel. It had four of the five of us crying with laughter. Yessa was off working on something else, but the rest of us were gasping for air.

Note: I cannot figure out why the screenshots above get progressively smaller, and my in-house IT pro couldn’t either. Click on a picture to have it larger in its own window. Sorry for that inconvenience.