2018 Haus von Gem Staycation – Day 6 + 7

2018 Haus von Gem Staycation – Day 6 + 7

How could it be Thursday and Friday already? The week was flying by.

Wednesday night had been a late night for some, so Yessa and Kate were up early making pancakes, which were a huge hit with anyone who was up early enough to try some.

Let the pancake making begin.

Thursday was going to be a bit chopped up. Cousins were coming over to hang out with the people who live in this house full-time for the morning while the people who were only living in this house for the week headed downtown for a fun family outing.

There was a little time for all to get some bounces in together before we split up.

A little bouncy time before the rain begins.
Bounce, bounce

K,P,K, and B headed off to see the Parthenon and some other fun sights.

Singing in the rain?
Here comes the Parthenon.
Athena strong

A separate post to follow eventually about what cousins got up to here at our house, but for now, back to Spring Break Staycation:

Once friends returned home, there was some bouncing and WODding.

Back to bouncing
Gettin’ a little WOD on.

The above video is a critical memory because this was the workout where Buds blasted his biceps and triceps so thoroughly that he couldn’t bend his arms for several days.

To jump ahead a little, we were playing cards a few nights later, and the three of us were laughing so hard at how he had to scratch his nose Paula caught this video for posterity.

Thursday day was wonderful, and Thursday night was our Bluebird night!

I hadn’t planned on going because our tickets were for the 9 p.m. show, which felt so late, but my wise friends and spouse cajoled me into giving it a try. The kids hardly noticed we weren’t home, and the adults had a great time, so it was a splendid decision.

Teresa and Jeremy joined the fun, which made me extra happy. I love when the people I love get to meet the people I love.

There was only one small hitch in the process.

Tickets to the Bluebird are hard to get. You have to be online, with fast internet, on the exact morning you want for the tickets to the future show you want to see. Kel and Paula were on the road for a family visit on the morning we had to get tickets, so although Kel was trying to also get tickets, being on her phone was tough, so it was largely up to me.

Shockingly, I was one of the first people in for tickets, and I had my choice of seats. I picked the 6 spots I thought were right by the stage, but on the side so if I had to leave I would be able to do so inconspicuously.

Turns out they set up the Bluebird in a different style when it is a single performer compared to the group of songwriters Buds and I saw a couple months ago.

Huh. Live and learn.

Hence, this was my view for the night.

It’s a good looking post.

I didn’t care. I was at a table with people I adore who were looking forward to hearing some great music.

Bluebird here we come.
Ready for some tunes.
Talking with Mary Gauthier herself.

I love this face.
Bluebird newbies no more.
The four parents out on the town…weird!

Mary Gauthier is a legend. Her songs are heartfelt and deep. When I learned that her song Mercy Now was named one of the saddest 40 country songs of all time by Rolling Stone Magazine in 2014, it was not a surprise.

It was a soulful night.

She sang several songs from her latest album Rifles and Rosary Beads which were co-written with soldiers. The stories she told of these men and women and how writing these songs helped them to heal was moving and inspirational.

The show wrapped up around 10:30’ish, and we were home around 11. All the kids up and happy to head to bed.

The wall of songwriters.
It was a good night.

Friday started much like Thursday with pancakes. They were such a hit on Thursday a repeat performance was requested.

Friday morning, more pancakes required!
Starting the day with a little coffee.

Friday was a colder, gray day, so coats, long pants, and pillows and blankets were required on the trampoline.

Discussing the day.
The girls with their charm bracelets we forgot to give them at Home Away From Home Camp.

All the girls love sushi, so we’d been promising a sushi outing, and Kel had a hankering to see Parnassus Books, so she searched out an excellent sushi location that was coincidentally in the same strip mall as Parnassus, and we had a plan for our early day.

Sushi love

Buster even tried salmon sashimi. Not a fan, but good effort. He gladly plows through the chicken skewers we can be gotten at most sushi restaurants, though.

Parnassus Books.

After those adventures we headed home for some relaxed time and waiting for Buds to get home from work.

A little quiet time.
Such delicious food.
Gathered round the table.
Shared laughter.

Friday night the adults had some cards. On this night, Paula and I partnered up and got all the cards. Such. Good. Cards.

We were playing Spades and Paula and I were largely unstoppable. We even tried a different deck of cards, and we were still golden.

I’m gloating now because this will change in the future.

Kids playing their games.

Time for bed.

One late night tackle.
One last hug.

Another lovely set of days together.