2018 Haus von Gem Staycation - Day 4 + 5

2018 Haus von Gem Staycation - Day 4 + 5

Personal note: Kate, Bets, PJP, and Kel, my memories are starting to get fuzzy on the specifics, so feel free to correct my recollections in the comments section.

Post contains video; view at website for best experience.

Tuesdays are $5 movie days, so we enjoyed The Greatest Showman at the theater, then headed to Franklin to wander around and have some ice cream at Kilwin’s.

So excited for Buster to see the movie in the theater after he’d memorized the soundtrack.
We wander.

When Buddie’s parents were here the last time, we discovered Kilwin’s in Franklin, and Buster was promised a return when KPKB were here.

I scream…
Lots of history in this town.
Biscuit Love chose their home wisely.

Tuesday night was a gorgeous night of bbq’ing, books, bouncing, bonfire, and bonding.


Ready to dine.
I love their faces in these shots.
Making each other laugh.

Tuesday night when Buds and I crawled into bed, full of good food, laughter, and more wonderful memories, Waffles decided he loved the smell of bonfire smoke in my hair. (And the cats were locked in our bedroom the whole time beloveds were here, so he may have been going a little stir crazy.)

Wednesday promised to be a rainy day, so we had some indoor plans.

After a relaxed morning we headed to Hattie B’s Hot Chicken to meet Buds for lunch, then it was time for a little crafting.

Fun to have this guy join us mid-day.

As often, PJP manages to connect with someone we encounter. In this fellow she found a Co-Orioles fan.
The Chicken
Full tummies, full smiles.

The Factory in Franklin is a fun spot for wandering around, painting some pottery, enjoying a donut and ice cream, and they have a great coffee spot, too.

Perfect for a rainy day.

Hard at work.

On Wednesday night, the Moms headed downtown to hear author Anna Quindlen speak at the downtown library. We arrived early enough to have time to take in the Violins of Hope installation before Anna spoke.

Violins of Hope Special on PBS

Close, but not too close.

Parnassus Books, a Nashville institution, was a co-sponsor of the speaker series we were there to attend. I had not known that Ann Patchett was co-owner, but we learned that after she helped introduce Anna Quindlen.

When we were leaving we passed Ann, and Patchett Fan Kelly grabbed the chance for a quick conversation and photo.

Before the evening’s downpour began I dropped Kel and Paula off downtown for a little dinner and honkytonkin’. Sounds like they had a great time and got some great photos.

I love these shot by PJP.

What will the last part of the week hold for our Nashville Spring Break adventures?

More posts to follow…