The Country Music Hall of Fame

The Country Music Hall of Fame

Editor’s note: Post contains video. View on the website for best experience.

Our local library has coordinated with the Country Music Hall of Fame downtown so that children from our county can go to the Museum for free any time, and adults can check out a “passport” from the library for two adults to go for free with the pass.

Buds, Yessa, and I took advantage of this chance yesterday on the first warm day we’ve had in a long time. We parked at Buds’ office, and enjoyed the walk downtown.

The museum was nearly empty, beautiful, and one of our first stops was to pick up one of the scavenger hunts they offer in the Taylor Swift Education Room.

We’re not huge country-western fans, but I do have lovely memories of watching Hee Haw with my parents growing up, and learning about Nashville history and the many ways that music can bring people together was interesting.

This recon visit was a success, so I’m looking forward to heading back there when we have friends visit.

Reminiscent of Buddie’s New Hampshire Compulsion Medallion
He’s a troll with a smile.

The picture above makes me laugh. We were making medallions to wear around the museum, as suggested in the education center. Buds got in trouble with Yessa because her name had been misspelled the day before with an “h” on the end.

She was displeased.

At the museum, to troll her, he had to misspell her name on her initial medallion, and when she protested that, he assured her he’d make a new medallion for her with her name spelled correctly.

He spelled her name correctly, but made tiny little “h’s” as the background pattern.

The way these two tease each other makes me smile.

Add a line for a song.
Our meta-picture.
Filling out the scavenger hunt.
Nudie’s sewing machine. When Todd and Gina were in town, I think Nudie’s honky was one of the places we tonked.
Boot design
Interactive history of Country Music.
They had sound booths so you can listen to different songs with various studio musicians and names we recognized.
Smokey and The Bandit-another movie Dad and I loved to watch.
Taylor Swift’s notebook page of a famous song.
The Dixie Chicks’ outfits. We love the Chicks.
Gina and I laugh about how folks from the U.S. will toss coins into any puddle of water.
We saw many beautiful instruments.

After the museum we headed to the Farmers’ Market for lunch, then home to enjoy the rest of the weekend with a workout and time with the whole family.

My favorite kind of weekend.