Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow

We cobbled together a couple weeks of ice and snow down here in the south. Buds worked from home for many of the days, cousins got to spend a snow day with us, and sledding, snow angels, and snowy bounces on the trampoline all happened.

It’s so rare to get snow down here, we’re always delighted when it happens. And we’re grateful that our schedules generally allow us the option of staying hunkered in at home, warm, dry, safe, and fed. I don’t take this privilege lightly.

Cousin angels.
Fleecey face masks made by Grandma Vermont many years ago still getting grateful usage.
The trampoline created an ice heart.
Tastes delicious.
Big, puffy flakes.
Four-legged family members impressed too.
Looking out in awe.
He had to wander around to find a quiet place to work sometimes.
What a lovely white skirt.

Of course, Buds did have to bond with Waffles to pass the time after many, many days at home.

We’re back up to 50-60 degree days now, but we loved the snowy winter while it lasted.