The Golden Hour

The Golden Hour

When the children were little, we used to call the time between when I was ready to lock myself in the bathroom and when Buds got home from work, or the time between dinner and bedtime “The Witching Hour.” The blessing of staying home with the children was balanced by being together 24/7.

I don’t generally miss The Witching Hour, and I’m so thankful we’ve transitioned to The Golden Hour.

Toward the end of each day, when we’ve all wrapped up our work for that day, often as we are waiting for Buds to join us at the end of his work day, we’ll gather in the hearth room and kitchen. People might be fixing food, reading a book, painting, playing a game, listening to music together, or visiting. It brings me such incredible joy.

And then Buds gets home, and it ramps it up even more. We tell him about our day, he doesn’t tell us about his day. It’s a nice pattern that everyone finds relaxing and comforting.

Neighbor J might pop down for a visit.
Neighbor J might pop down for a visit.




We love our travels, and boy do we love our time at home.