Furry Surprise - Update

Furry Surprise - Update

Editor’s note: Post contains video. Click through to watch at the website.

We borrowed a trap from an internet acquaintance, and we finally managed to capture the kitten out back.


A luxury stay at the vet brought much good news:

He’s a boy.
He’s negative for all the deadliest cat viruses.
He had worms. (Gone now.)
He had fleas. (Gone now.)
He weighed 1.75 pounds. (This morning he weighed 2.1.)

We kept him locked in a bathroom for a day or two to help him settle, but now “Jake” has free roam of the upstairs of the house. He and MoonStar have formed a fast friendship. Waffles is a little more skittish in personality, so he’s pretending Jake doesn’t exist.

Jake has proven himself to a be a well-mannered, snuggly, purry kitten. It’s already more difficult to feel his tiny little ribs, which makes us proud.

Such a tiny little thing.
Such a tiny little thing.
Getting some snuggles.
Getting some snuggles.

It didn’t take him long to settle into the comforts of indoor living with gourmet food delivery and adoring friends around at all times.

And no raccoons.

When we return from our upcoming trip, we’ll have him neutered, then he’ll be put up for adoption. It will be fun to foster him, and we’ll be glad for him to find a loving, forever home.
