Buster Turns 12!

Buster Turns 12!

It was a rather discombobulated birthday for The Buster. The kitchen destruction had begun, so making the traditional birthday cake wasn’t really an option. Grandma was here to visit, so that was a bonus. The grands on both sides had given him enough birthday money, plus extra, that he would have enough by his birthday to buy the Nintendo 3DS he’d been saving for.

We told him we’d make a weekend of wonder for his birthday. On Saturday morning of his pre-birthday, he looked at Buds and me and said, “Today isn’t feeling very special.”

“Would you like us to take you out for breakfast? we asked.

“Panera,” he responded.

So the three of us went to Panera while the girls hung out at home with Grandma, and all had a lovely time. Having time with the individual children is one of those things we don’t get to do very often, and it’s so fantastic when we do it. This Buster, he’s a hoot.

That afternoon, Aunt A had graciously invited us over for dinner so we could have a Buster celebration. She had offered to make a cake, but he preferred to wait until our kitchen is back in working order, so instead we had pizza delivered and Italian ices for dessert. Very relaxed, very delightful.

And Buds worked on his violin skills from long ago:

Such a tiny violin.
Such a tiny violin.

On Sunday morning, the actual birthday, we managed to surprise The Buster. He believed that we would be ordering his new 3DS that day, for delivery later in the week. He popped down to snuggle in with Buds and me on his birthday morning, ready to place the order. We told him we had a present for him.


He’s a savvy kid, but we’ve still got a trick or three up our sleeves.

Buds had to leave on a work trip in the morning, so he got some birthday hugs in:

Never too old for snuggles.
Never too old for snuggles.

Then he headed out pretty early. It was a fun, relaxed day for the rest of us.

After Monkey and I celebrated at church in the late afternoon at the installation of our new minister, we scooted home, picked up the rest of the gang, and headed out for Yogurt Mountain for one more birthday mini-celebration.



We like our fro yo, and we love our Buster.

We’ll post about the crazy Subnautica cakes he has in mind after they are created…in the new kitchen!