Italy Trip- Lake Como- Extra Photos

Italy Trip- Lake Como- Extra Photos

Due to our intermittent internet, I am not able to have all the photos in one place to pull from when I’m writing a blog post. hence, I’m planning ahead for when we have returned home and I have the full spectrum of digital memories laid out before me. These “end of location” posts will serve as a repository for all those extra photos I don’t want to lose in amongst our thousands of photos we’ll take over the course of these weeks.

Our apartment viewed from across the lake.
Our apartment viewed from across the lake.
He has created some awesome meals here.
He has created some awesome meals here.
The world's most uncomfortable couch, but  it does seat 4...uncomfortably.
The world’s most uncomfortable couch, but it does seat 4…uncomfortably.
Our tiny second bathroom out on the patio.
Our tiny second bathroom out on the patio.


Waiting for the ferry
Waiting for the ferry
Irish-Italian looking.
Irish-Italian looking.
Too dark, photo!
Too dark, but…family photo!

Now, on to The Dolomites!