The Countdown Is Here

The Countdown Is Here

Four days before our kind neighbor appears at 0 dark o’clock to take us to the airport.

Lots has gone on this week, including my mom staying with the children for four days while Buds and I were out of town on an annual work retreat. It was fantastic, our whole company all together, but that was the last domino to fall before reality set in.

I’m vacillating between extreme excitement, sheer panic at the work that needs to be accomplished before we leave, and nightly waking at 2:30 a.m. to jot one more item on the packing list.

Gratefully, this is the same process we went through before the trip to Ireland last year, so we know that before the joy comes the anxiety, and we’ll get past this now, just as we did then.

I’m very behind on posting what’s been going on in our recent lives, but I’m planning to catch up while we’re away.

Writing as I’m gazing into the distance at this:

From here:
From here:

Seems like that ought to inspire.

We’ll keep you updated…