Skink, Skink, Severus Skink

Skink, Skink, Severus Skink

Do you know what’s worse than finding a skink in your child’s closet?

NOT finding the skink in your child’s closet.

The Buster knew he had seen a moving skink, but it wasn’t until we moved the very last item on the floor of his closet that we confirmed it.

Small, fast, skittery things normally fall under the “things for a Buds to handle” category, but I had to put on my big girl panties today and take care of the skink.

As with most things, the reality was much less frightening than the imagined. The poor little skink was petrified. Luckily he didn’t drop his tail, but he was zipping around from dark place to dark place. I was surprised to note that skinks run like alligators in a “hinged in the middle” fashion. Science lesson for this morning.

My fearless helpers...notice they are standing in a box...for protection.
My fearless helpers…notice they are standing in a box…for protection.
Good bye, little sweet friend.
Good bye, little sweet friend.

We released the little one outdoors and went back to our work. I hope it isn’t the return of Skink Season in the house.