

While Mom was here she and I made time to organize and sort and clear out all sorts of closets, cupboards, and the basement storage room. I went through all our old “paper” photos and sent them off to be digitized, which makes me so happy.

Before I sent them off, though, I had to snap quick pictures of some of the memory makers, and since so many of the papers and cards had gotten musty, I photographed them to save the memories, too.

Warning, very long, mostly things that make me smile. Don’t feel badly at all if you skip this one.

Many fun pictures from Gina
Many fun pictures from Gina
Gina always added notes to the pictures she sent us of the kids.
Gina always added notes to the pictures she sent us of the kids.
Pictures from kids.
Pictures from kids.
Buddie's 1/2 marathon medal.
Buddie’s 1/2 marathon medal.
Love this.
Love this.
The race we did with Big Zach and Eileen.
The race we did with Big Zach and Eileen.
Dad's discharge papers. He was born on 5/22/31. You do the math.
Dad’s discharge papers. He was born on 5/22/31. You do the math.
A valentine Dad sent me one year.
A valentine Dad sent me one year.
Handmade puppet gift from our neighbor on my 5th birthday. The party where everyone got the chicken pox.
Handmade puppet gift from our neighbor on my 5th birthday. The party where everyone got the chicken pox.
My friends knew I loved Winnie.
My friends knew I loved Winnie.



Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde
From Argyle when he was feeling cranky.
From Argyle when he was feeling cranky.
Grandma Frosty
Grandma Frosty
Buds and I are still learning this.
Buds and I are still learning this.
A poem I think Monkey would love.
A poem I think Monkey would love.
Movie stub from the night I bowled a 170 and kicked Buddie's keister.
Movie stub from the night I bowled a 170 and kicked Buddie’s keister.
The front of the card.
The front of the card.
Card from my friend Susan after Buds and my first date. She's the one who gave me the courage to call and ask him out.
Card from my friend Susan after Buds and my first date. She’s the one who gave me the courage to call and ask him out.
The movie stub from our very first date.
The movie stub from our very first date.
Dad always loved Brandie The Dog.
Dad always loved Brandie The Dog.
Letters about Baby Buddie.
Letters about Baby Buddie.
When Barton had to sleep at the rest stop.
When Barton had to sleep at the rest stop.
My dad always drew me a picture at the end of letters, and always drew Mom frowning as a joke.
My dad always drew me a picture at the end of letters, and always drew Mom frowning as a joke.
A previous life...
A previous life…
They love me.
They love me.
Old resumes
Old resumes
Discovered my parents each gave me cards by the same poet one Valentine's Day.
Discovered my parents each gave me cards by the same poet one Valentine’s Day.
The release Buds had to sign before entering a wings eating contest. He won, then dropped his iphone in the toilet as he bent over to upchuck.
The release Buds had to sign before entering a wings eating contest. He won, then dropped his iphone in the toilet as he bent over to upchuck.
From Grandma Frosty when Monkey was baptised.
From Grandma Frosty when Monkey was baptised.
Some poems I enjoyed.
Some poems I enjoyed.
Discovered Chris' Special Graduation Award had to have a new nameplate made because they misspelled his name the first time.
Discovered Chris’ Special Graduation Award had to have a new nameplate made because they misspelled his name the first time.
These two.
These two.
These two, too!
These two, too!
The weekend I met Buddie's family the first time up in Wisconsin.
The weekend I met Buddie’s family the first time up in Wisconsin.
Toward the end at Purdue.
Toward the end at Purdue.

And for one final note, and a gift to those of you that made it this far:

This last week reddit had a challenge to write your obituary in only five words. Here’s mine:

“She loved her entire life.”

Truly, I do.