The New Library

The New Library

Our new local library opened last week! It’s been hailed as “state-of-the-art,” and “the library of the future.”

That might be going a little far. There were no hoverboards and they still haven’t even figured out that baskets to carry around your books would be great, BUT, it is gorgeous and we’ve already gone twice, and Monkey asked if we could go back one day and just be there for a couple hours.

We loved the old library for its books and the people, but we didn’t want to be there more than 15 minutes due to its darkness. Those times have changed!

The children and I went on the day of the Grand Opening. We walked around in joy and awe. Unbelieving that this gorgeous, sunny, beautiful, new-car-smelling-place was ours to share with the world.

The children's area. It's about the size of the entire old library.
The children’s area. It’s about the size of the entire old library.
Some of the gorgeous artwork.
Some of the gorgeous artwork.
Yessa likes the new furniture and nooks for reading.
Yessa likes the new furniture and nooks for reading.

We loved the space so much, we wanted to share it with the other most important person in the world: Dad. So on Saturday, we all trooped over there together. The internet said the library opened at 9. The library didn’t open until 10, so we had some delightful time to walk around the library and examine the outdoor spaces. I was so grateful for this time to discover hidden treasures, like the outdoor water fountain that has a place for humans to drink, a place for dogs and cats and raccoons to drink, and a place to fill water bottles.

And the outdoor sculpture was amazing. The joy that squeeged through me, standing with those I hold most dear, reading the quotes and seeing if we knew from which books they came.

Another attempt at a family picture.
Another attempt at a family picture.
First lines from famous books etched in the glass leaves.
First lines from famous books etched in the glass leaves.

Click on the picture above to enlarge it to read the quotes.

Then we headed inside. And, of course, when Dad’s along, we find our way into fun and games. The children’s area has giant foamy tinkertoys. And they make great swords, or belts, or glasses.





We checked out our next round of books, and were grateful once again that we can have up to 100 books checked out at a time.

Still, hoverboards would be cool.