The Schmilly Effect

The Schmilly Effect

Two moments stand out since Schmilly died. Two moments where I had to make a choice: spread something negative out into the world and over myself, or choose a different path.

The first moment was when I was writing a venting email to April, complaining about someone. I had the email nearly written, and was ready to send, when my phone alerted me that I had received a message from Schmilly’s husband. It was the information about the Celebration of her life.

Guess what email didn’t get sent?

Then, just now, I was reading through our credit card bills, preparing to pay them. Rather than shaking my head at our wasteful spending, of which there are many examples, instead I was remembering the trips we’ve taken recently, the time spent with loved ones, doing fun things, sharing new experiences. Then I happily paid each of the bills in full, grateful to be able to do so.

Thanks, Schmilly, for continuing to help make me strive to be a better person.

All of you reading this, I wish for you a day filled with love and peace and hope. Always.


Our wedding day
Our wedding day

Schmilly is in the peach dress on the right in this picture, next to my niece, Pam. So many loved ones came together on this day, including lots of the crowd from that magical year in Centennial. I’ve loved looking back at the pictures to remember.