Catching Up: Nonni and Poppi Visit

Catching Up: Nonni and Poppi Visit

In April we had Nonni and Poppi for a visit, then Buds and I went to Massadoah for a weekend while Grandma stayed with our crew, then Kel and Paula and the girls spent their spring break with us. Oh, yes, and we also squeezed in a work trip to Atlanta with the whole family, then we left for Ireland.

Shockingly, I am behind on the necessary posts about our pre-Ireland joy-filled visits, so I’m going to catch up right now.

Nonni and Poppi, or L.M. and L.P., as I call them (I have this thing for nicknames.), had been missing their TN grands, so they planned a visit. They spent the week days with us while cousins were in school, they moved over to cousins’ house for the weekend, which seems to work out well for everyone.

As always happens, my memory quickly erases the specifics of events if the blog post has to wait, so here’s their visit in pictures:

Knitting with Nonni
Knitting with Nonni
Preparing a birthday cake for Poppi.
Preparing a birthday cake for Poppi.





Monkey and Nonni make cheese.
Monkey and Nonni make cheese.



Happy Birthday, Poppi.
Happy Birthday, Poppi.


Puzzle time
Puzzle time
The young and young-at-heart.
The young and young-at-heart.








Photo By Poppi
Photo By Poppi
Photo by Poppi
Photo by Poppi
Photo by Poppi
Photo by Poppi
Photo by Poppi
Photo by Poppi
Photo by Poppi
Photo by Poppi
Photo by Poppi- The Final Cheese Product
Photo by Poppi- The Final Cheese Product
Photo by Poppi-The Hamlet Furball
Photo by Poppi-The Hamlet Furball

Everyone loved having time together. Another wonderful visit.