Catching Up: Massadoah 30th Anniversary Visioning Weekend

Thanks to my marvelous mother spending the weekend with our crew, and our marvelous crew helping each other to make that easy for grandma, Buds and I had a splendid, relaxing, exhausting, connecting weekend with the other partners. (Mia, you were very much missed, but I would have wanted to just talk to you all weekend, so it all worked out. 😉

It’s hard to put into words how much we love and respect this group of “chosen” family. Massadoah is the unexpected gift that never ceases to fill me with gratitude.
With the move to Nash, I wondered how our Massadoah connections would change. This trip reminded me that great friendships are not entirely dependent on proximity.
Mom, thanks for making this trip happen for us. I’m sorry I don’t have pictures of you with the kids from this trip, but without you, we wouldn’t have any of the pictures…or the memories.