The Rest Of Us

The Rest Of Us

While Buds and Monkey were off coding bugs, the rest of us were having adventures, too.

We dropped Hamlet off at the weekly adoption fair so people could see him in the flesh to see if he might be a good match for their family. He has gotten increasingly comfortable at our house, and we are, naturally, growing more and more attached to him, but we all recognize that a family with younger cats would be a fun option for him.

Pretty relaxed.
Pretty relaxed.
Kind of doofy.
Kind of doofy.

There was the possibility that someone might take him home with them that day, so Buster, Yessa, and I said a loving good bye to him before we headed off.

Then the youngsters and I headed over to see The Lego Movie, which was a big hit with us. Even a few tears for me at the end. “Everything is Awesome” knocked “Let It Go” out of my head for a few hours. Buster said it was, “The best Lego movie ever in the history of the world.”

After the movie we still had time before we headed back to Petco to see if Hamlet would be returning to our home or not, so we tried out Perl Cafe. It was a hit only with me, but I’ll be glad to take Buds there sometime soon.

Well, yes, we will try gingerbread donuts.
Well, yes, we will try gingerbread donuts.
Lavender Lemonade for the win!
Lavender Lemonade for the win!

After lunch, we drove over to see if the gray, raccoon-tailed one was waiting for us. He was exhausted from having been in a metal cage for hours, and even hissed at me when I tried to scoop him out from the end. It was a half-hearted hiss, though. He barely meowed on the way home in the carrier, and as soon as we opened the carrier up, he walked out, looked around, and began to purr loudly. I had explained to him what would be happening, but apparently he didn’t totally get it.

He was glad to be back, though.

Happy and relaxed.
Happy and relaxed.

Then we popped down to pick up Monkey who was loaded down with all the gifts from the Python Conference, and back home for a relaxing evening while Buds stayed to code.

A winning day for everyone.