Sunny Sunday and Rememberences

Sunny Sunday and Rememberences

Our Sundays have developed a delightful pattern.

I leave early for choir practice or to prep for RE if it is my week to teach.

The crew joins me at church just as the service begins at 11.

We enjoy the service together, in the sanctuary, or in RE.

Crafting in RE together.
Crafting in RE together.
Create, create, create.
Create, create, create.

Then we head to lunch to visit with our new church family.

After church, Thena and Imani come over to play, and Thena and I go for a swim.

It is such a relaxing, easy ending to the week. Thena is a great swim coach, which I appreciate.

And I’m so grateful to have found new friends who slot into our life so easily.

This is a simple, short, not-about-much blog post.

It’s because with so many of you, I simply cannot recall how we became friends.

Tania, I know it was CrossFit, but I don’t remember how we went from gym buddies to friends.

Tania and Buddie's team.
Tania and Buddie’s team.

Louisa and crew: Girl Scouts, but before that, was it just being at the park together?

2013-11-11 11.40.26

Kelly and Paula: Playgrouup, but we were friends with Gisella first, how did we get lucky enough to find you in our lives?

Beautiful day in the sun.
Beautiful day in the sun.

Mia: You, I remember! It was playgrouup, and you turned to me and said, “Jennie, I have a certain vision in my head of why people homeschool, and you don’t fit that vision. Why do you homeschool?” It was said in such a loving, non-judgmental way, how could I help but love you?

Look at me holding up this wall!
Look at me holding up this wall!

Jenny and Gina&Todd, location, location, location-living in the same place helps people connect. Luckily, once the connections are made, location ceases to matter.

What's not to love about this face?
What’s not to love about this face?
Couples that organize together, stay together.
Couples that organize together, stay together.

Well, April, I knew we needed you, but I don’t remember how it started?

April and I needed to be friends to survive this crowd.
April and I needed to be friends to survive this crowd.

Anyone else reading this, who isn’t family, but didn’t get mentioned above, I want to remember how I met you, too. All these connections matter so much to me. I don’t want to lose any of them.