Gingerbread Houses

Gingerbread Houses

In the start of a possible family tradition, we gathered with Cousins to build Gingerbread Houses. Aunt A had a tradition in her childhood of building elaborate gingerbread creations, so we were able to benefit from her expertise.

The house is all ready for our visitors to arrive:

Tables ready...
Tables ready…

Once cousins arrived, we split into two teams.

The boys all worked together on their house:

Getting started on the footprint.
Getting started on the footprint.
The boys built furniture inside.
The boys built furniture inside.
Uncle Z as frosting mason.
Uncle Z as frosting mason.
Everyone doing a part.
Everyone doing a part.
The dads working alone.
The dads working alone.
Adding more touches.
Adding more touches.
A delicious little path to the front door.
A delicious little path to the front door.
Focused teamwork.
Focused teamwork.
The cracker-split roof, was much lighter the roof that came with the gingerbread kit.
The cracker-split roof, was much lighter the roof that came with the gingerbread kit.
It also allowed the furniture inside to show.
It also allowed the furniture inside to show.
More angles.
More angles.


The living room.
The living room.
The brothers prepare to heckle the girls' team.
The brothers prepare to heckle the girls’ team.

The girls also made a great team.

Our youngest member.
Our youngest member.
Making a plan.
Making a plan.
Monkey makes a fireplace.
Monkey makes a fireplace.
A different sort of path.
A different sort of path.
Adding deliciousness to the roof.
Adding deliciousness to the roof.
Getting ready to put it together.
Getting ready to put it together.
Aunt A had some serious work to get the roof to stay on.
Aunt A had some serious work to get the roof to stay on.
Even the Dads had to help.
Even the Dads had to help.
Will it stay???
Will it stay???
Looks beautiful.
Looks beautiful.
Still working on the fireplace.
Still working on the fireplace.
Frosting face.
Frosting face.
Tastes so delicious.
Tastes so delicious.
Roof comes off, more supports inside.
Roof comes off, more supports inside.

Trying once again.
Trying once again.

Monkey's outdoor fireplace, complete with stockings hung for Santa.
Monkey’s outdoor fireplace, complete with stockings hung for Santa.

It was warm enough out that we even got some outdoor time for “What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?” and sword play.




A great day. And next year, I suspect Aunt A will help us do even more amazing things.