Mild disasters that happened recently...

Three things that are fine now, but brought disbelief or even some sorrow when they actually occurred.
I was working downstairs when the girls called my name. Their voices sounded…subdued…

They’d been having a disagreement while standing next to the pantry and the result was an exploded bottle of red wine. Though a rather shocking scene to come across, many good results from this: They didn’t try to blame each other, but stood together as a team in their culpability. Huge bonus, the floor got a good, thorough cleaning. Possibly we should drop and break things more often for that reason alone.

The nickname “Lee” was what Mom’s family called Dad. Though he didn’t care for it, I’ve come to realize over the years that it was a sign of respect and affection, as loving nicknames always are. I was sorry when this mug was broken, but I’ll always have the memories of making Dad’s tea in it every morning.

The second frozen pipe we’ve dealt with since we were married. The first pipe burst, but the pipe that froze today I managed to thaw before we had any trouble. Yessa discovered the problem, and a call to my eldest brother helped to assure me that I was on the right track to solving the problem. A space heater, pointed at the wall in the basement, balanced on two chairs, finally thawed things out.
Pretty small problems in the big scheme of the world. Such a sweet, little life I’m living.