Guess Who's Cooking Dinner?

Guess Who's Cooking Dinner?

One of my favorite aspects of our new church is that every Sunday church members make lunch for everyone to share after the service. With a congregation of 40-50 consistent attendees, it’s a manageable number of people to sit down and share a meal, but enough people that it feels like a real accomplishment to pull it all together.

We signed up to be the lunch crew on Dec. 15th, and it was a great experience in many ways.

Our menu was: egg casseroles, meat and veggie; fruit of all sorts; chocolate crack candy; holiday bread; pumpkin and gingerbread muffins. The church provides the lemonade, tea, and coffee. And someone always brings extras from their house to add to the bounty.

1) We had almost the exact right amount of food. We brought home fruit and a little egg casserole, but the rest disappeared. The pleasure of people coming back for seconds because they were so enjoying the food cannot be overstated.

2) Being very new to the church, we haven’t officially “signed the book” yet, people were so kind and complimentary about how we’ve stepped up to join into the spirit of the community.

3) You would think we were master chefs, the way people praised us. Buds is used to elaborate praise for his cooking, but I enjoyed the feeling, too.

4) Being involved and part of things is so much more comfortable for me than being the newbie. The new church doesn’t realize they are meeting my needs as much or more than us meeting theirs by serving lunch.

Noa and "E" entertained themselves while Buds and I bustled in the kitchen.
Noa and “E” entertained themselves while Buds and I bustled in the kitchen.
The master chef...much less neurotic than Kitchen Confidential.
The master chef…much less neurotic than Kitchen Confidential.
Buddie's Fruit Tree. It's upside down in the picture, but looks odd if I flip it, so just turn it in your mind.
Buddie’s Fruit Tree. It’s upside down in the picture, but looks odd if I flip it, so just turn it in your mind.
The dessert spread
The dessert spread