Literary Highlights

Literary Highlights

To gather a stack of books and audio books for the long drives on our vacation, the kids and I headed to the big downtown library. It was love at first sight for all of us. The museum-type building is huge and beautiful, and they offer so many amazing programs.

Ginnie's Phone_000868

Ginnie's Phone_000870

Ginnie's Phone_000869

Ginnie's Phone_000871

We spent an hour wandering around, learning locations of beloved books, choosing music and books and cds for the drive. Then we checked out the cafe, which we promised ourselves we would return to with Dad.

A snazzy mouse house in the children's section.
A snazzy mouse house in the children’s section.
Buster declared this chair, "Really cool, but not very comfortable."
Buster declared this chair, “Really cool, but not very comfortable.”

Finally, checking out our treasures, and heading home.

Monkey passes the time while we check out.
Monkey passes the time while we check out.
Yessa handles the computer  process.
Yessa handles the computer process.
This is what a receipt for 67 books looks like.
This is what a receipt for 67 books looks like.

Another Nashville find…