What do you do after you move into a new house?

What do you do after you move into a new house?

You go on vacation, of course!

We’ve had two weeks of trips planned for a very long time, and despite the acknowledged insanity of leaving a home partially unpacked, throwing the clothes you can find into a car, and heading out for two weeks…that’s what we are doing.

Week one is being spent in the Green Mountains with Buddie’s family. We keenly feel the missing family unit that had to stay behind in Nashville. Zachy especially misses his best buddy, but we are having great fun getting to spend time with all the other cousins.

Zoe is proving herself to be a master storyteller for the younger set, and Sweet Juliette, for some unknown reason, is preferring Uncle Chris to Aunt Jennie. Buds and I are having a work morning at the house to get some breathing room for the rest of the week, and this is a gorgeous setting to work in.

The beginning of Gems Week:

Generations enjoying time together on the porch.
Generations enjoying time together on the porch.
A bumblebee rolls down a hill.
A bumblebee rolls down a hill.
A bumblee's cousins roll down a hill.
A bumblee’s cousins roll down a hill.
One of the August birthdays gets sung to.
One of the August birthdays gets sung to.
Nonni takes the cake. ;-)
Nonni takes the cake. 😉
The three August birthdays.
The three August birthdays.
No words for this.
No words for this.
This, also, cracks me up.
This, also, cracks me up.
Game time!
Game time!
No skill required except an ability to laugh and spin.
No skill required except an ability to laugh and spin.
Hair Salon
Hair Salon
Monkey spins a tale.
Monkey spins a tale.
The cutest sweet guy.
The cutest sweet guy.
Planning for the week ahead.
Planning for the week ahead.
We've enjoyed pretending we all know how to play pool.
We’ve enjoyed pretending we all know how to play pool.
A dad, an uncle, and the cutest spriteling in the house.
A dad, an uncle, and the cutest spriteling in the house.
Uncle Chris must look enough like Dad to help her be comfortable.
Uncle Chris must look enough like Dad to help her be comfortable.
A quorum of cousins.
A quorum of cousins.
Time at the beach.
Time at the beach.
Paddle boats are fun...for the children who get to just ride.
Paddle boats are fun…for the children who get to just ride.
Polkadot mudder
Polkadot mudder


Mud baths
Mud baths
My own sweet centerfold.
My own sweet centerfold.
Paddle, paddle, paddle.
Paddle, paddle, paddle.


Turning himself into a sand golem.
Turning himself into a sand golem.
Sand sister
Sand sister








Movie stars
Movie stars
Sand angels.
Sand angels.


Hair washing
Hair washing
Yessa needed help getting all the sand out.
Yessa needed help getting all the sand out.