Atlanta Times

Atlanta Times

For a second time, Buds and I hauled the children to Atlanta, combining a business trip with family fun and adventures.

Atlanta has so many fantastic things to see and do…great restaurants, great museums, great people. It was another splendid trip.

The kids and I chose The Atlanta Children’s Museum as our first outing, and we enjoyed it so much we were there for five hours! The Magic School Bus was the traveling exhibit on display, and The Buster especially loved being able to “make” different kinds of weather.

Since I’m writing this post a month after we have returned from our trip, I will have to let pictures speak for themselves.

The children had vague memories of Centennial Olympic Park from our last trip, and it was just as wonderful as we remembered.

The fantastic playground put in for the Olympics.
The “store” area of the musuem.
The dress up area and tap dancing stage were a big draw.
We loved the “magic sand” area.
The sand pit drew us back time and again.
Yessa’s sand cookies
The Buster’s Sand Face sculpture.
Painting on the glass board was really cool!
So simple, yet so fun and creative.

The glass painting made me realize we could paint on our front storm door, and then just wash it off with the water washing to the ground. It really was cool to paint on the glass. The Atlanta office has white boards made of glass, which are so much more elegant than the old white boards we have in the Reston office.

Monkey volunteered for several different shows throughout the day. This one was about the weather.

We truly hit the sweet spot with the Museum because they don’t accept school groups on Mondays, so it was us and Moms and Dads with children 5 and under for the most part. It was not crowded and so relaxed. The Buster had not interest in the shows that the girls and I wanted to see, but I could peak through the displays to check on him at the Magic School Bus exhibit where he was busily creating tornadoes or blizzards.

The Christmas Tree at Centennial Park.
Pretty cute!

It was a great start to our Atlanta time.