Great Country Farms Fall Kick Off

Great Country Farms Fall Kick Off

Aunt A found great coupons for a fun day at Great Country Farms, so we loaded everyone in their Pilot, and off we went, bright and early on a Monday morning.

The kids all did great on the long drive out there, and even the sprinkles that started halfway through our visit didn’t dampen spirits.

As usual, the bouncing pumpkin was a huge attraction:

It was a cold day on the Farm!
What a cute baby cow.

The children created a new game on this visit. One of them would pretend to slide or tumble off the pumpkin bouncy, and the rest of the crew had to rescue them. Monkey’s “Made By Grandma” scarf was a wonderful rescue line.

Save me, save me!
Don’t lose your pants, Buster.
Pull for shore, Sailor.
Two for one…
Starting to warm up.

From the pumpkin bouncy we moved on to slides and playgrounds.

The glasses were no hindrance on a cold day.
She’s flying.
Coming in for…
…a landing.

The big kids and I tried out the corn maze:

Amazingly, we went in the entrance on the bottom right of the picture, wandered, wandered, wandered. We found our way to both of the bridges, and kept on wandering. The Buster got a little freaked out, so we decided to return to the entrance.

Turned around, made our way back what we believed was the exact way we came in.

Found the way out, it was the actual exit.

I think I don’t much care of corn mazes.

We were caught in a spider’s web for a bit:

This will be one happy spider.
Nearly escaped. (Notice the bare arms. This one was not cold.)

Finally, the ride on the wagon to the pumpkin patch to check out the pumpkins.

Close up on the wagon.
Yessa comparing pink mitten to pink cheeks.
Hello, hello, is the Great Pumpkin available?
Here’s a good one!
I’m soooo strong!

Great time had by all.