The New Hampshire Experience

The recollection of how it came about is foggy. If I had to guess, I’d say it was Gina’s idea to begin with: the idea of our families vacationing together. We tossed around ideas of where to go, and thanks to good family friends of theirs recently having moved to Maine, New Hampshire won the voting.
Our family had been to North Conway a couple times, and Gina had heard great things about it, so she picked out the perfect house to suit our two groups, and the waiting began.
I’m attempting to write this post in September, and way too much time has passed to adequately remember the specifics of the days and the fun we had.
General memories include:
Going caving.
The men going hiking.
Lots of playing with the rocks and dirt of the driveway for the children.
Buds and I getting in several WODs in the early morning.
Walking into town for coffee.
Sitting on the porch in the white rocking chairs.
Loving seeing Todd and Buds talking and laughing and planning and discussing so many things.
Staying up late with Gina, laughing and just being.
Diana’s Baths.
Laying around in Todd and Gina’s bedroom visiting.
Going out to eat with just Todd and Gina.
Going out to Moat Mountain.
Watching our children enjoying the other children so entirely.
Drone Strike Forthcoming!
Just being in such a peaceful, beautiful place.
And the pictures will have to provide the rest of the memory jogs.
Plans are already in the works to do it all again next year.
This time Gina and I are going up Mount Washington, or some other “yet-to-be-decided” Mountain.