Another Tooth Gone

Another Tooth Gone
Top middle tooth gone.

Yessa lost her third tooth with only a little drama on 4/29/12. The tooth had been pretty loose, and then it started to bleed. She cried and sucked on a towel, then staggered upstairs to watch the big kids play Minecraft. Back down she came 30 minutes later, big grin, and tooth in hand.

She put it under her pillow at first, but then decided she wanted to leave it out to show Dad. Then Grandma and Grandpa were going to be coming for a visit, so she had to leave it in the cup on the counter for them to see. Then Grandma Iowa arrived and needed to see it. So, it is still sitting on our counter, waiting for it to be gifted to the Tooth Fairy when Yessa is ready.

The little tooth in the little hand.
Such a sweet face...