The Buster Turns Eight

The Buster Turns Eight

This post really is about Buster’s Birthday, but I have to digress for a minute.

He wants a chocolate cake, and screw paleo, he’s going to get a chocolate cake. (Heck, wait until I tell you what he had for lunch…oh, and breakfast.) I turn to the internet to find “The Best Chocolate Cake Recipe,” and find The Pioneer Woman, who is awesome! We’ll be using her recipe for the birthday cake, and this paragraph at the end of her blog post made me teary-eyed:

Sigh. Before you sink your teeth into this beautiful creation, take a moment. Pause and reflect upon how fortunate we are to be human. To be able to control the various ingredients in our kitchens. To be able to harness the energy necessary to heat an oven. To melt butter. To chop nuts. To eat…to eat…chocolate.

This is so entirely how I’ve felt about our life lately. So completely grateful for this life, this family, these children, these friends, this home. So thankful…

Now, back to the birthday!

The Buster’s Birthday this year was on a Tuesday. Grandma and Grandpa Vermont came through on their way to their Great Smoky Mountain Adventure on the weekend before, and took the Buster to Target to buy his presents. While there, he asked if he could use some of his birthday allocation to buy a present for Yessa, which they agreed to. So, he came home with some great lego sets and a tiny baby doll for a very happy little sister.

Playing with one of the new Lego Hero sets from the VT Grands.
Creating a story with the new heroes.

On Tuesday, we had a lovely family day. He chose to play lots of Minecraft, including writing several new stories:

"The Adventures of Bumbram."
The Minecraft bookshelf that will soon be filled with books written by Bumbram.

and Buds took time off to go out to lunch with us at Amphora.

Waiting for the Mac-n-cheese and pancakes the birthday boy requested for lunch.
Grandma Iowa's gift was a solar kit. Very cool!

Then, around 7 p.m. on “The Day The Buster Was King,” it was so beautiful out, we decided to take a zip around on the scooters.

Team Speed ready for action.

Jumping on the concrete jungle.
The very tall stairs for the very tall boats that never appear in our very small lake.
Back when she still had all the top teeth...
A picture with our founder.
We love our founder.

The other great surprise for the week was that Buds brought home a great big box from the office. And what child doesn’t love a box? Our crew quickly turned it into a magic box, complete with disappearances and much laughter.

This is what the Dad of an 8 year old looks like.

Then, the weekend after the birthday, The Vermont Grandparents were on their way home from their vacation, and stopped to stay with us again. So, Sunday morning, the Cousins came over and we had another party for the Buster.

Reading with the Grandpa.
Cousins like boxes, too!
Cheesecake stuffed strawberries for breakfast...what's not to love?! Take note of the piped in stuffing. For those who know me, this is a huge decorating success!
Sharing a birthday breakfast.
The second birthday cake, with the "Z" for Buster.
How many kids can we fit in this box?!
The Sibs ready to sing...
The Grand Finale...'cause who doesn't want to eat cake at 9:00 a.m.?!
The inspection...
The Big Blowout

Happy Birthday, Sweetest Boy.