Disney Day #3--The Magic Kingdom

Disney Day #3--The Magic Kingdom

Today was Magic Kingdom.  The day that Cousin M had been waiting so patiently for because for sure there would be a princess castle and there would be PRINCESSES!

We left the house even earlier today, knowing we’d have to both take a tram in from the parking lot, but then also take the ferry or the monorail over to the park.

I have to say, getting 10 people up and out of the house at the times we’ve been shooting for has been an impressive feat.  The children have been great, the adults have been patient.  We’ve become a well-oiled machine.

We parked, boarded the tram, and chose to ride the monorail since the temperature was still quite brisk.  Zachy was in short-sleeves and shorts, and he was goose-bumped the whole way on the tram, but not a complaint did we hear.

Walking in the park as a child has to be such an amazing moment.  Disney does a masterful job creating the whole magical experience, and though we adults are so focused on making sure we arrive and leave with the same 6 children and never lose track of any of them, the children are focused on the sights, sounds, and smells of this first view of Magic.

We saw Cinderella’s Castle from the tram, but that first sight of it as you walk down the main street is priceless.

The one whole group picture we have of the entire trip. Priceless!

We were pretty determined to relax and take our time, and the stroll down main street was wonderful.

I love the fashion variety we displayed.

We started with the carousel ride.

Monkey chose to stick with Harry Potter rather than ride the carousel.

Then moved on to “It’s A Small World,” “Peter Pan,” Mickey’s Symphony, which I can’t remember the real name for, and more carousel.

The 3-D glasses necessary for Mickey's Symphony.
Everyone looks good in these glasses.
I spent a lot of time holding hands and snuggling with a child.

After our time in the first part of the Magic Kingdom, FantasyLand, we made our way to Tomorrowland. Astro Orbiter and Space Mountain were HUGE hits. Zoe rode Space Mountain multiple times, and loved it. We rode Buzz Lightyear one gazillion times, though for the life of me I’m not sure why. Oh, wait, I guess going to Disney wasn’t about me.

Lined up for Buzz Lightyear
The newly appointed Space Rangers zapping zurgs.
Both parents had the adventure of riding with the girlie, and she even convinced Yessa to try it, and Yessa LOVED it, too!
Waiting to hug Buzz. Yessa wanted no part of any characters as this point. Cousin M would hug anything in a costume.
Such a brave soul
Buster looks like he's thinking so hard here.
The adults often wore out first.

We left the park early to head back for dinner, swimming, and a rest at the house because tonight we were returning to the park for the big fireworks display.

Taking the ferry home.
Fun in the pool before heading back to "The Kingdom."

Choosing to head back out after dinner was a bit of a decision. The kids are young enough that staying home would have been a totally understandable option, but Buds had read about the Magic Kingdom fireworks, and we decided to give it a shot. It was the perfect decision for us.

We had time to slowly examine the beautiful display windows on Main Street.
Again, the magic of Disney was amazing to all of us.
I wish I knew what they were saying to each other.

Then, of course, seeing Cinderella’s Castle at night is just…well…magical. There was a musical going on, which we caught the tale end of.

A good view from Dad's shoulders
The castle at night

We rode a few more rides. Zachary didn’t have a chance to be the driver on Astral Orbiter, so he and Buds went off to fly around on that. (We lost the video evidence of it, but Buds had out his iphone to take video, and Buster, who was the one of the two of them who had been on the ride before, kept saying before the ride started, “Dad, I think you should put away yourphone. I’m not comfortable with you having your phone out. This ride goes really fast.” On the video you can hear Buddie reassuring him, and then, once the ride begins, the phone goes flying through the air. Just kidding. But you could hear Buddie saying, “Wow, this ride does go really fast. Wow, I can see why you thought I should put my phone away. Wow.”)

Monkey was dying for more Space Mountain, so we went off to do that, plus some car driving. It was great because the lines moved so quickly, and on Space Mountain, we ran through the lines, literally, and jumped on the ride.

And then, finally, time for the fireworks. Buds suggested a perfect spot on a bridge on the East side of the castle, and it was truly idyllic. Tinkerbell flew right over our heads, and we saw everything.

These were truly the best fireworks we had ever seen. Just amazing.

After they were done, we began the long, slow walk back to the ferry to the shuttle to the car. Buster and Yessa both slept in the strollers, and I was grateful for Disney efficiency as shuttle after shuttle rolled up to load the exhausted wee humans. A quick drive home, and we slid the children, who had turned into rubber chickens, into bed.