2022 Trip #1 Europe Trip #1 - March 30, 2022 - First Step Complete Left Rochester around 2 p.m. The only stop was at 2:
Buds A Mid-Winter Mini Gem-Fest With Nashville cousins making the trip north on their spring break, Buds,
Babs MoonStar And Waffles Visit Babs Babs lovingly offered to take care of MoonStar and Waffles while we
Buds Hey, Family Members In The Back Seat In Sicily I love to drive. I’m not good with directions. Buddie is
Dragonfly Parenting In A Tube Of Sunscreen Just had this conversation with Yessa and Monkey a couple days ago.
Buds A Few Fair-To-Middlin' Jokes Editor’s note: Contains video. Watch at website for best experience. A