25.2- The Next CrossFit Open Workout

25.2- The Next CrossFit Open Workout

This one was well designed for Buds, bar muscle-ups aside. He's great at double unders and loves a thruster. These weights, 95#, 115#, and 135#, are relatively light for him.

Yessa had to work on this Friday night, so she dropped Buds and I off at the box, and she did the workout on Saturday morning.

Friday Night Lights had a theme of, "I wear my sunglasses at night." which we were grateful for since we have sunglasses and didn't really need to plan for this. Our friend, Jenna, won the night with her sunglasses with mustache attached.

Buds didn't go until the 6:30 heat, so he had plenty of time to warm up and help during other athletes' heats with weight switching. I judged our friend Stacy in the 4:30 heat, then settled in to cheer and help with weights.

Coach RJ likes to be Buddie's judge because they have similar strengths and RJ sees Buddie's potential and understands where to encourage and where to push.

A little grin before he gets rolling.
Here we go...
Big swing.

Buds got through the first 2 rounds, and then he laid down on the ground for a few seconds to collect himself. People got a little worried, but he gathered himself, then headed to the rig to attempt bar muscle-ups. It was only a 12 minute work out, and our box knows the success Buds has had in the open in previous years, so there were many people watching, cheering, and cajoling him on.

I'm sharing this video because it shows the spirit of CrossFit so perfectly. You can hear people cheering and encouraging. Coach RJ is right there by Buds, offering ideas and support. If sheer love and will could have gotten him up and over that bar, it would have been no problem.

As you can see, he didn't get them this year, but that's another great aspect of CrossFit. There is always something to work on.

We were glad to see Yessa when she and her sunglasses walked in after work. She and Buds love talking strategy and lifting and all things CrossFit.

Another great Friday night, and one more week to go!