Empowered Resistance

Many of us are overwhelmed by the chaos of this Republican Administration. The racism, bigotry, homophobia, disgusting displays of incompetence and hatred for the American dream.
The White House no longer seems to have an email address, and calling feels like screaming into the void. I'm in contact with my representative Joe Morelle and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Along with many of you, we're donating to causes we believe in, but it never feels like enough.
I'll be attending this online training tomorrow to learn how to use my energy and resources most effectively, and also to be reminded how many people want to make the world better for all of us, not just people who look like me or believe like me or love like me.

If you are depressed, or scared, or angry about what this administration is doing, those are all valid feelings. Or if you do not have the energy to focus on anything but what's in front of you, that's okay, too. I hope we can all find our way forward together.