Surgical Update!

Bless my mother and her digitized photos. As you see in the picture above, I broke the same wrist and required surgery when I was 8 y.o. Full arm, down past the knuckles, plaster cast. It was so heavy, so hot, so uncomfortable.
Bone repair has come a long way in 46 years! Apparently immobilizing an arm for 8 weeks is not the best path forward.
Here I am, 17 days post-fracture, 8 days post-surgery, well on my way to healing and mobility.

The wrap with a plaster support underneath was what I woke up with after surgery, and I was so grateful when they unwrapped it this afternoon. The stitches have healed well. The plate and pins all look correctly placed on the X-rays.

The gratitude and relief were profound when Dr Yip told me I was ready for a removable brace. I wear it during the day, but can shower and sleep without!!

I start PT with a hand therapist next week. (Thanks, Alex, for making sure I knew to ask for that. 🥰) PT 2x/week for 12 weeks. No weight bearing for 3-4 months. Back to see the surgeon in 5 weeks.
I can do CrossFit, heavily modified. If I just think of myself as a one-armed woman who has to be sure she can't fall, I should be fine. This is a great time to work on balance training, too. I also got a weighted vest to wear around the house and out for walks.

Thank God for modern medicine, health insurance, and a supportive crew of family and friends. So very grateful.
P.S. I have pictures iof the stitches and the scar if you have an interest. I knew some of you wouldn't appreciate the good doctor's sewing skills.😉
Thanks for all the loving support.