Crowd QuipLash

After Yessa got home from work last night, we headed out for our first Fringe Fest event of this year: QuipLash. QuipLash is a game we've played at home and at a distance with loved ones many times, but we've never been part of a large group event. Since this was free, even though it meant we had to leave the house at 7 p.m.! we decided to check it out.
If you aren't familiar with QuipLash:

It was fun to be downtown on a fall night with the whole crowd, and the kids commented on how beautiful the buildings looked.

Buds and I attended an improv event in this theater with Renee and Victor last year, but this was the first visit for the kids. The theater is tucked in an office complex building, so you walk long, tiled hallways to find it.
There were two MC's and a crowd of about 35 people ready to play, each of us using our cell phones to log in.

Eight people out of the crowd can log in to have their answers projected, and the rest of us could vote on those answers. Monkey and Buster logged in quickly enough to be in the group of eight for one of the rounds.

It was 90 minutes of some big laughs, some small laughs, a few groans, and a few polite chuckles.

And it was very good to be out with my people.

Thanks, Fringe Fest!