Two Perfect Biking Days

Two Perfect Biking Days

With the lure of a delicious breakfast, we convinced the two younger siblings to join us on a bicycle outing in the early morning.

A bike path is a thing of beauty forever.

It was a gorgeous Labor Day, and we were grateful for the folks who were working so we could dine after our hour long ride.

The Vegans...
and The Pagans.

In case you do not recognize the reference, here's a song we have long loved.

The line of self-driven limos...

A week later Buds and I had a hankering for another long bike ride, and this time we headed out alone. Buds took several long rides when I was off with my mom this last year, and he wanted to share them with me. This was retracing one of those rides.

A graffiti-esque underpass where we stopped for a snack.
Up, down, all around.

We biked around 28 miles on this crispy Fall day.

Toward the end we were biking by Pittsford Farms Dairy and Bakery. We've never been, and people love it, so we decided we better check it out.

He loves custard.
They had one vegan option in the bakery case. Just the way I like it!

We returned home in the early afternoon, in time for Monkey birthday cake, and well before dinner with friends.

Can't wait to see what else these Fall days holds for us.