Yessa Serving Up Awesome

She's up to shift 16 at the new job, and all is going well. I was going to write a blog post about her first time handling a dining room alone, which was on this last Sunday. That was very exciting.

But then she came home last night with something even more thrilling; she trained a new person! We take this as both an indicator of how well she is doing, and also that the facility is hiring lots of new employees. They were recently purchased by a different company, so changes are afoot.

As she is realizing, teaching someone else how to do a job is a fantastic way to remind yourself of all the elements of the job.

I love hearing of the personalities of the residents and employees. She's learning so much and handling each new situation with grace and kindness. What an adventure.
OH! And thanks to Aunt Rebecca for alerting me to an unknown family fact; three of the cousins are working at senior living facilities. That's nearly 50% of the working age cousins. Pretty cool.