Closed Off!

Closed Off!
Solid once more. Ignore the different stains. That's an issue for a different day.

We love this big old house we live in. The two small issues have always been only having one full bathroom and the cut off door at the entrance to the front room.

What sort of a monster saws into a slider door like this?!?!

Through a series of fortunate events, I found a handyman who would fix the abused door shortly after I rediscovered the cut off piece of the door in the attic. (Bless the person who kept that dismembered appendage!)

The end waiting to be reattached.

Chris, our new "guy" here in Rochester, as in, "I know a guy." took over a week to get the door looking great. Because it involved sanding and staining, he would often be here for just an hour or two, but he kept showing up, and he didn't quit until he got it right. He even tried sanding the floor to get the door to slide smoothly.

He did remind me of Weston (We still love and miss you, Weston! You will always be our favorite "guy!") in that he did not stop until he was happy with how the parts were fitting together.

Dowels and new plywood inserted.
Strapped in. Old end reattached!
Wood filler applied.

The stains don't match because of assorted reasons, but the doors slide, they close, and we are thrilled with having this project complete.

Monkey, especially is so happy with the outcome. It makes the room much quieter and cozier for her when she's working and streaming. Plus, we had to take down the cacoon while Chris was working, and we're all glad to have that nest hanging back up.

Note the closed doors in the background.

Now, if we could just find a way to squeeze another shower in somewhere...