Laughter And Joy

Laughter And Joy
We both look joyful here, despite the premise of this post.

Buds and I were discussing humor and how grateful we are that we share a sense of humor, and that our kids share a similar sense of humor. The joy I get from laughing with my people is priceless.

In a similar vein are the things that bring us joy. I love when the kids share their favorites with me. Monkey's favorite movie. Buster's favorite song. Yessa's favorite book.

But we do not talk about sharing a sense of joy. We may laugh at the same things, but the things that bring us deep, intense joy are unique to each of us. I have watched many movies with Monkey, listened to much music with Buster, and read Yessa's favorite book. I loved doing all those things, but they do not touch my soul in the way they do for each of the children.

Travel brings me joy. Buster would not agree.

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn is my favorite book. That does not mean anyone else in my family would even like it.

Buds loves boats and books that are far outside my interest areas, but I love when he tells me about them. To know what he holds close to his heart; that's joy.

In the best of relationships, our loved and trusted partners in life support and pay attention to the things that bring us joy. They may not be able to truly share in them, but they appreciate them as insight into who we are.

Here are two videos that bring me joy. Enjoy or not. It's okay either way.

We haven't even begun to talk about how much joy Ted Lasso brings me.